Summary of entertainment at Dhow International Poetry Day. Poetry day in kindergarten. Scenario for the holiday World Poetry Day for Children

Teacher's word. Writer Boris Pasternak is the greatest poet of the twentieth century, “a talent of exceptional originality,” as M. Gorky said about him.

2010 marks the 120th anniversary of Pasternak's birth. He was born and lived in an era of great transformations, coups, and revolutions. He survived the tsar, the provisional government, three revolutions, two world wars... All this could not but affect his poetry.

“Throughout his life, the poet goes through several creative cycles, makes several turns up the spiral of comprehension of nature, society, and the spiritual world of the individual. And instead, the reader goes the same way with him in order to understand the poet... But it is already obvious and proven that Pasternak’s legacy is included in the treasury of Russian and world culture of the 20th century,” said Lev Ozerov.

It is impossible to talk about Pasternak’s fate without memorizing his words from the autobiographical story “Safety Certificate”: “I am not writing my biography. I turn to her when someone else demands it... Only a hero deserves a real biography, but the story of a poet in this form is simply unimaginable.”

It’s customary for everyone to live and burn,
But then you will only immortalize life,
When to her glory and greatness
You will draw the path with your sacrifice.

1 HOST. These lines of Boris Pasternak perfectly reflect the essence of his life, the life of an artist who, through sacrifice, charted the path to fame and greatness.

2 PRESENTER. Boris Leonidovich Pasternak was born on January 29, 1890 in Moscow. In the family of the young painter Leonid Pasternak and the pianist Rosalia Isidorovna Pasternak-Kaufman, art merged with everyday life.

1 HOST. Musical evenings were held at home, attended by my father’s friends - Polenov, Levitan, Serov. L.N. came to listen to the famous pianist. Tolstoy. One of the family's closest friends was S. Scriabin

2 PRESENTER. The boy grew up to the sounds of the piano, surrounded by his father’s paintings. This synthesis of music, painting and poetry was reflected in his work even textually.

October is silver-walnut,
The shine of frost is pewter.
Chekhov's Autumn Twilight,
Tchaikovsky and Levitan.

2 PRESENTER. The poet considered the furnishings of his parents' home to be the basis of his artistic development. Later he wrote: I, the son of an artist, saw art and great people from the first days, and I got used to treating the high and exceptional as nature, as a living norm.

1 HOST. In the summer of 1903, B. Pasternak was amazed and enchanted when he heard Scriabin composing the 3rd symphony at a nearby dacha. In this ingenious music that was born before his eyes, the boy was surprised to recognize the surrounding nature, the hum of the forest, the singing of birds.

Reached in thirst for the proboscis
And butterflies and spots,
I've erased the memory of both
Honey, mayna, mint.

Not the ticking of clocks, but the ringing of flails
From sunrise to sunset
Stuck into the air like a dream of thorns,
Bewitching the weather.

It happened - after walking to your heart's content,
The sunset surrendered to the cicadas,
Power to both the stars and the trees
Above the kitchen and garden.
Not shadows - I laid the beams for a month,
And then I was away,
And quietly, quietly the night flowed
Jog, from cloud to cloud.

More likely from sleep than from rooftops; hurry up
Forgetful than timid,
The rain was pattering at the door,
And it smelled like a wine cork.

The dust smelled like that, the weeds smelled like that.
And, if you look at it,
That's what the nobles' writings smelled like
About equality and brotherhood.

2 PRESENTER. The impression was so strong that it prompted the decision, without delay, to study musical composition professionally. Simultaneously with the gymnasium, he took courses in the composition department of the conservatory.

1 HOST. He was destined to become a musician; his compositional experiments were approved by Scriabin himself, whom he idolized. However, he did not become a composer, carrying throughout his life his love of music, the melody of poetry, and music itself in verse.

I fed the flock with a key by hand
Under the flapping of wings, splashing and screaming.
I stretched out my arms, I stood on my toes,
The sleeve rolled up, the night rubbed against the elbow.

And it was dark. And it was a pond
And waves. - And I love birds of this breed,
It seemed they would rather kill than die
Loud black strong beaks.

And it was a pond. And it was dark.
The pots of midnight tar were burning.
And the bottom was gnawed by a wave
By the boat. And the birds squabbled at my elbow.

And the night rinsed in the throats of the dams.
It seemed that while the chick was not fed,
And the females would rather kill than die,
Roulades in a screaming, twisted throat.

2 PRESENTER. The poet told how he parted with his dream of becoming a composer in his autobiographical story “Safety Certificate.”

READER More than anything in the world I loved music, Scriabin most of all. Under the influence of the adoration I had for him, my desire for improvisation and composition flared to the point of passion. I was destined to become a musician, everything was forgiven to me for the sake of music. And despite this, I left music.

I left her when I had the right to rejoice and everyone around me congratulated me. But no one knew about my secret misfortune, and if I had told about it, no one would have believed me. I barely played the piano and even sorted the notes almost into storage. All this, as well as the lack of absolute pitch, turned the gift of nature into a subject of constant torment, which in the end I could not bear.

1 HOST. In 1908, Boris entered Moscow University, first to study law and then to the faculty of philosophy. He wants to get to the heart of things.

I want to reach everything

To the very essence.

At work, looking for a way,

In heartbreak.

To the essence of the past days,
Until their reasons.
To the foundations, to the roots,
To the core.

All the while grasping the thread
Fates, events,
Live, think, feel, love,
Complete the opening.

Oh if only I could
Although partly
I would write eight lines
About the properties of passion.

About lawlessness, about sins,
Running, chasing,
Accidents in a hurry,
Elbows, palms.

I would deduce her law,
Its beginning.
And repeated her names

2 PRESENTER. In 1912, B. Pasternak went for 3 summer months to the University of Marburg, then the center of philosophical thought, where such luminaries as Natorp, Cohen, and Hartmann taught.

1 HOST. The city amazed him with its splendor. “From the tenth step, I stopped understanding where I was,” Pasternak wrote. “I remembered that I forgot my connection with the rest of the world in the carriage... If only it were a city!” It’s some kind of medieval fairy tale!”

2 PRESENTER. Here, in Marburg, Pasternak meets his first love. He meets the daughter of a tea merchant, Ida Vysotskaya, and proposes to her. The girl refuses. This event is captured in the pinnacle of the poet’s love lyrics, the poem “Marburg,” which students and fellow students muttered on the streets, walking her home from the institute in the late 20s.

I shuddered. I lit up and went out,

I was shaking: I just proposed, -
But it’s too late, I drifted away, and now I’m rejected.
What a pity for her tears: I am more blessed than the saint!

I went out to the square. I could be counted out
Secondly born. Every little bit
She lived and, without regard for me,
In its farewell significance it rose.

The flagstones were heating up, and the streets
He was dark-skinned and looked at the sky from under his brows
Cobblestones, and the wind, like a boatman, rowed

By linden trees. And all these were similarities.

But anyway, I avoided
Their views. I didn't notice their greetings.
I didn’t want to know anything about wealth.
I struggled so as not to burst into tears...

When I fell before you, embracing
This fog, this ice, this surface
(How beautiful you are!) - this whirlwind of stuffiness...
What are you talking about? Come to your senses! Gone. Rejected...

1 HOST. Boris studies at the university with such success that he is even offered to return to Marburg in a year to defend his doctoral dissertation. Philosophy will also be reflected in poetry. Pasternak will call the whole cycle “Practicing Philosophy,” and it will open with the poem “The Definition of Poetry.”

This is a cool whistle,
This is the clicking of crushed ice floes,
This is the leaf-chilling night,
This is a duel between two nightingales.

These are sweet rotten peas,
These are the tears of the universe in the shoulder blades,
This is from consoles and flutes - Figaro
Falls like hail onto the garden bed.

Everything that is so important to find at night
On deep bathed bottoms,
And bring the star to the cage
On trembling wet palms.

It’s stuffier than boards in the water.
The firmament is filled with alder,
It suits these stars to laugh,
But the universe is a deaf place.

2 PRESENTER. But philosophy will not become destiny. Seriously and deeply engaged in philosophy, Pasternak at the same time was burdened by academic narrowness. After a trip to Marburg, he decides to give up philosophy and devote himself entirely to poetry.

1 HOST. In the spring of 1913, Pasternak graduated from the university with flying colors. At the same time, the Lyrica publishing house, created by several young people, published an almanac in which five of his poems were published. Pasternak invariably opened his collections with the first of them.

February. Get some ink and cry!
Write about February sobbingly,
While the rumbling slush
In spring it burns black.

Get the cab. For six hryvnia
Through the gospel, through the wedge of wheels
Travel to where it's raining
Even noisier than ink and tears.

Where, like charred pears,
Thousands of rooks from the trees
They will fall into puddles and collapse
Dry sadness to the bottom of my eyes.

Underneath the thawed patches turn black,
And the wind is torn with screams,
And the more random, the more true
Poems are composed out loud.

2 PRESENTER. Pasternak's early lyrics are filled with admiration for nature, which contains soul, love and language. The poet listens to her voices and records them. His poems “break” and “collapse,” and one must either step aside from this flow, or withstand it without choking.

1 HOST. There was some kind of mysterious, deep connection between the appearance, mental make-up of this man and the character of his poems. From his first steps in poetry, he discovered a special style, a special structure of means and techniques. You had to get used to Pasternak’s poems, you had to get used to them.

2 PRESENTER. B. Pasternak himself wrote: Poems no longer infect the air, whatever their merits. The distributing medium of sound is the personality. The old personality is destroyed, the new one has not been formed. Without resonance, lyrics are unthinkable.

Or I don’t know what, poking into the darkness,
The darkness would never come to light,
And I'm a freak, and the happiness of hundreds of thousands
Isn’t a hundred empty happiness closer to me?

And don’t I measure myself against five years,
I don’t fall, I don’t rise with her?
But what should I do with my chest?
And with the fact that all inertia is inertia?

In vain in the days of the great council,
Where places are given to the highest passion,
Poet vacancy left:

It is dangerous if it is not empty.

1 HOST. Since 1914, Pasternak joined the Centrifuge futurist community and became closely acquainted with Mayakovsky.

2 PRESENTER. In the 20s he devoted himself entirely to poetic creativity. His collection “Above Barriers” is published, in which he strives to stand “above” the war, “above” the revolution, “above” the class struggle in the country and in art.

1 HOST. He responded to the war of 1914 with a call for humanity, for sympathy, a desire to get rid of a “bad dream” or, rather, to fall asleep soundly, close his eyes to the terrible face of life, and go into love experiences.

2 PRESENTER. In 1921, Pasternak's parents and his sisters left Soviet Russia and settled in Berlin. Pasternak began active correspondence with them and Russian emigration circles in general, in particular with M. Tsvetaeva. In 1922, the poet’s program book “My Sister is Life” was published.

1 HOST. And in the same year he married the artist Evgenia Lurie

Song “There will be no one in the house” (performed to a video soundtrack)

1 HOST. Family life was not easy. “Heightened impressionability was equally characteristic of both of them, and this made it difficult to calmly endure the inevitable hardships of family life,” their son Evgeniy would later write in his memoirs. In addition, both were “people of art.”

2 PRESENTER. Evgenia Vladimirovna was a talented portrait painter and needed a liberated life. The poet had more to do with arranging the family home. Their life together was full of quarrels and discord. The topic of divorce constantly comes up in conversations. Evgenia Vladimirovna dreams of a “better life.”

You played this role so well!

I forgot that I myself am a prompter!

What will you sing in the second,

Whoever gets it off first.

A boat was walking along the clouds. Along

Meadows of cut fodder.

You played this role so well

Like the babble of the gateway - stern!

And, low on the steering wheel

Killer whale on one wing,

You are! - you are the best of all roles

Played this role!

1 HOST. The late 20s and early 30s saw a short period of official Soviet recognition of Pasternak's work. His books are published, and critics are happy to publish positive reviews in the press. True, the poet had to read criticism for some pretentiousness.

Spring, I'm from the street where the poplar is surprised,

Where the distance is afraid, where the house is afraid to fall,

Where the air is blue, like a bundle of laundry

A person discharged from the hospital.

Where the evening is empty, like an interrupted story,

Left by a star without continuation

To the bewilderment of thousands of noisy eyes,

Bottomless and expressionless.

2 PRESENTER. Pasternak takes an active part in the activities of the USSR Writers' Union. His large one-volume work from 1933 to 1936 is reprinted annually. Having met Zinaida Neuhaus, at that time the wife of pianist Neuhaus, he traveled with her to Georgia in 1931, where he met Georgian poets and their work.

1 HOST. And in 1932, having interrupted his first marriage, he married Zinaida Neuhaus, taking her away from his friend. Having become the poet's new muse, she appeared just when the poet needed an orderly lifestyle, home comfort, and order. Actor Vasily Livanov in his book “The Real Boris Pasternak” described Zinaida as a woman of rare spiritual purity and fortitude, “so that, realizing Pasternak’s exceptional poetic gift, she would bear the heavy cross of untainted love for Boris Leonidovich.”

Loving others is a heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without gyrations,

And your beauty is a secret

It is tantamount to the solution to life.

In spring the rustling of dreams is heard

And the rustle of news and truths.

You come from a family of such fundamentals.

Your meaning, like air, is selfless.

It's easy to wake up and see clearly,

Shake out the verbal trash from the heart

And live without getting clogged in the future,

All this is not a big trick.

2 PRESENTER. Meanwhile, the second half of the 30s was approaching. The country was hit by a wave of political repression. Speaking at the All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers in 1934, Pasternak urged: “Do not sacrifice your face for the sake of position.” Clouds began to gather over his head, and the poet was made to understand that he could not avoid arrest.

1 HOST. Since 1936, the poet has settled in the village of Peredelkino near Moscow. From the mid-30s until the end of his life, translation became one of Pasternak’s main activities. He translates the tragedies of Shakespeare, Schiller, Goethe's Faust and much more, while striving not to convey the linguistic features of the original, but, on the contrary, to create a “Russian Shakespeare”. These translations were not only a source of income, but also gave him moral support in life.

The hum died down. I took to the stage
Leaning against the door frame,
I catch in a distant echo,
What will happen in my lifetime.

The darkness of the night is pointed at me
A thousand binoculars on the axis,
If possible, Abba Father,
Carry this cup past.

I love your stubborn plan
And I agree to play this role.
But now there is another drama,
And this time fire me.

But the order of actions has been thought out,
And we will not avert the end of the road.
I am alone, everything is drowning in pharisaism,
Living life is not a field to cross.

2 PRESENTER. At the same time, he translated Georgian poets. And it so happened that these translations reached Stalin and, moreover, he really liked them. There are witnesses' recollections of Stalin's behavior when he was informed that Pasternak's arrest was being prepared. The leader suddenly recited aloud Georgian verses translated by Pasternak:


The color of heaven, the color blue,

I fell in love from an early age,

Since childhood it meant to me

The blue of others began.

And now that I have reached

I am the peak of my days,

As a sacrifice to other flowers

I won’t give away the blue one...

1 HOST. In the early forties, after a long break, Pasternak again began to write poetry, which was included in the book “On Early Trains.” At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Pasternak sought permission to go to the front, but was evacuated with his family to the city of Chistopol on the Kama, where other writers lived at that time.

2 PRESENTER. In 1943 he made a trip to the front, which resulted in the essays “In the Army”, and the poems “Death of a Sapper”, “A Living Fresco”, “Winner” were included in the book “On Early Trains”, in which the image of the author as a humanist and patriot appears.

And then the cherished moment came:

He broke the siege ring.

And the whole world, crowded in the distance,

She looks at his face in delight.

How great he is! What an immortal lot!

How his link is included in the chain of legends!

Everything that is possible on earth and in the sky,

They were sentenced and committed.

1 HOST. The joy of victory in the war revived hopes for the long-awaited renewal of society. But the joyful harbingers of freedom turned out to be false, and in their light, Pasternak began to write the novel Doctor Zhivago - his last, beloved and difficult child. He worked on this book for more than 10 years; it was completed in 1956, receiving the final title “Doctor Zhivago.”

Actually, this is my first real job. In it I want to give a historical image of Russia over the last 45 years, and at the same time, with all sides of my plot, heavy, sad and detailed, as ideally in Dickens and Dostoevsky - this thing will be an expression of my views on art, on the Gospel, on the life of a person in history and much more...

2 PRESENTER. The novel became almost autobiographical. The poet had long felt that he was missing something. He had been nurturing the idea of ​​a great novel for a long time, but could not begin to implement his plan. What helped him overcome his indecision was “the awakening of a sharp and happy personal imprint.”

1 HOST. In 1946, at the editorial office of the New World magazine, he met Olga Ivinskaya, head of the department of aspiring writers. She was 33 years old. She has a difficult life experience behind her. However, life's adversities did not affect her appearance in any way. Olga was extraordinarily beautiful - tender, feminine, with huge eyes and golden hair.

2 PRESENTER. Their love flared up like a candle, life intertwined with romance, and romance became life.

The song “The Candle Was Burning” (performed with piano). Hyperlink from slide 27: video “Candle”

1 HOST. One evening Olga Ivinskaya was taken to the Lubyanka. Pasternak was sure: Olga was imprisoned because of him - “in order to achieve sufficient grounds for prosecution through painful interrogations under threats.” “I owe it to her heroism and endurance that in those years they did not touch me,” the poet was convinced. Ivinskaya was sentenced to five years in the camps. Pasternak had a heart attack.

2 PRESENTER. However, the story did not end there... During the separation, Pasternak wrote letters to Ivinskaya and dedicated poems. After returning from camp she was still irresistible. Love flared up with renewed vigor. Ivinskaya took the poet’s publishing affairs into her own hands and moved to live closer to the writer, renting a room in Peredelkino. The poet literally spent days and nights with her. He even “legalized” their relationship by telling Zinaida Nikolaevna that he would now live where he wanted. But he didn’t leave the family and didn’t give up his established life.

Don't cry, don't wrinkle your swollen lips,

Don't bunch them up.

You will unravel the dried scab

Spring fever.

Years will pass, you will get married,

You will forget the troubles.

Being a woman is a great step

To drive you crazy is heroism.

But how does the night not constrain

Me with a sad ring,

The strongest pull in the world

And the passion for breakups attracts.

1 HOST. Work on the novel, which Pasternak expected to complete in 2-3 years, lasted for a whole decade. Nevertheless, Doctor Zhivago was completed and sent to editors. However, its publication was delayed even longer, for more than 30 years. In the Soviet Union no one dared to publish it. In 1956, Pasternak agreed to publish the novel in Italy.

2 PRESENTER. It was impossible to stop the release of the Italian translation. And the novel, banned in its homeland for more than 30 years, was published in Italy in 1957. This was followed by foreign and Russian publications and translations into almost all languages ​​of the world. Pasternak becomes famous throughout the world.

Being famous is not nice.
This is not what lifts you up.
No need to create an archive,
Shake over manuscripts.

The goal of creativity is dedication,
Not hype, not success.
Shameful, meaningless
Be the talk of everyone.

But we must live without imposture,
Live like this so that in the end
Attract the love of space to you,
Hear the call of the future.

And you have to leave spaces
In fate, and not among papers,
Places and chapters of a whole life
Crossing out in the margins.

And should not a single slice
Don't give up on your face
But to be alive, alive and only,
Alive and only until the end.

1 HOST. Victory turned out to be equal to defeat. In 1958, it became known that Pasternak had been awarded the Nobel Prize “for outstanding achievements in modern lyric poetry and the continuation of the noble traditions of great Russian prose.” It was worldwide recognition, but...

2 PRESENTER. A scandal broke out on a political basis. The poet was summoned to the Prosecutor General and charged under the article “Treason to the Motherland.” At the general meeting of the Writers' Union, the question of expelling Pasternak from the Writers' Union and depriving him of Soviet citizenship was raised.

I disappeared like an animal in a pen.

Somewhere there are people, will, light,
And behind me there is the sound of a chase,
I can't go outside.

Dark forest and the shore of a pond,
They ate a felled log,
The path is cut off from everywhere,
Whatever happens, it doesn't matter.

What kind of dirty trick did I do?
Am I a murderer and a villain?
I made the whole world cry
Over the beauty of my land.

But even so, almost at the grave,
I believe the time will come
The power of meanness and malice
The spirit of goodness will prevail.

1 HOST. Having initially responded with gratitude for the award he deserved, Pasternak, after a week of harassment and threats, was forced to refuse the award.

2 PRESENTER. Telegram: Stockholm. To the Swedish Academy. “Due to the importance that the society to which I belong to attaches to the award, I must refuse the award. Do not consider my voluntary refusal an insult..." B. Pasternak"

1 HOST. After Pasternak’s refusal, the international scandal subsides, but passions move to the everyday level. Fees for translations are not paid, contracts are terminated, performances based on Pasternak’s translations are removed from theater repertoires. There is nothing to live on.

2 PRESENTER. But newspapers write that Pasternak received millions for a novel published in Europe. In fact, he borrows for a living. Meanwhile, the Legal Collegium for Foreign Affairs informs Pasternak that he has a large amount of money in his accounts in Switzerland and Norway.

1 HOST. Pasternak asks the Central Committee to receive a certain amount with the obligation to transfer part of the money to help elderly writers. In response, Pasternak is required to give up all fees, but transfer them entirely to Moscow and transfer them to the official peace committee.

Oh, I wish I knew this could happen
When I started to debut,
That lines with blood kill,
They will rush through your throat and kill you!

From jokes with this background
I would flatly refuse.
The beginning was so far away
So timid is the first interest.

But old age is Rome, which
Instead of tours and wheels
Doesn't require reading from the actor,
And complete death in earnest.

When a line is dictated by a feeling,
It sends a slave to the stage,
And this is where the art ends,
And the soil and fate breathe.

1 HOST. The difficult reality of existence did not disturb the rhythm of Pasternak’s work, maintained by all means. The new poems that he began to write made up his last book, “When it clears up.” On the threshold of his seventieth birthday, he begins to write a play about Russia during the times of serfdom. The title of the play “Blind Beauty” is a symbol of the historical image of Russia.

2 PRESENTER. From the beginning of 1960, Pasternak began to feel worse. He was clearly aware of the incurability of his illness. On May 30, 1960, B. Pasternak passed away.

1 HOST. Many years have passed since then. Doctor Zhivago has finally been published; his poems and prose are being printed in mass quantities that the author could not have even dreamed of. They read him, talk and write about him a lot. All this makes us recall with bitter joy the words spoken by Pasternak two years before his death: “Most likely, many years after I die, it will become clear on what broad, broad grounds my activity of recent years was directed, what it breathed and fed, what served."

2 PRESENTER. Everyone who knew Pasternak remembers the special - thick, buzzing sound of his voice, his rolling, drawn-out old Moscow “a”, “o”, “u”, his stunning ardent narratives, in which strokes and sparkles of observations, sudden thoughts, boiling and flaring , spread out in barely perceptible, incredible circles and ellipses.

1 HOST. Pasternak's poetry and prose organically combined the traditions of Russian and world classics with the achievements of Russian symbolism and the avant-garde. The novel “Doctor Zhivago” for several decades remained one of the most read Russian novels all over the world, largely defining the idea of ​​Russian literature of the twentieth century.

The song “Poets are not born by chance” (performed to a soundtrack). Hyperlink from slide 37: video “Poets”

Final words from the teacher. I would like to end our speech with the words of the famous critic, researcher of the work of the poet Lev Ozerov: “The legacy of B. Pasternak is legitimately included in the treasury of Russian and world culture of our century. It has won the love and recognition of the most demanding and strict connoisseurs of poetry. Knowledge of this heritage becomes an urgent necessity... and a reason for thinking about the fundamental questions of human existence.”

Continue to develop children’s ability to expressively read poems by heart.

Develop a taste for poetry, the ability to understand the poetic images of a poem.

Develop the performing skills of preschool children.

Cultivate a love for the poetic genre of fiction.

Evoke an emotional response in children to the process of participating in the competition.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, certificates for participants, gifts.

The hall is festively decorated.

Progress of the competition:

- Good afternoon, dear guys, dear adults! It's very nice to see smiles on your faces. I know why you are in a good mood: firstly, spring has come, and secondly, today we have a holiday..... a poetry competition “About Mom, About Spring.”

(on the “spring screensaver” screen)

- Spring, spring, what a wonderful time of year! Everything comes to life, blooms and rejoices.. - And how can one not rejoice at such a wonderful time of year? After all, everyone has fun in their souls, they want to dance and sing. Let's all sing a song together, guys, which is called “Spring” (Music words

(Song about spring performed by older preschoolers)

— Today we will read poetry, and the respected jury will evaluate the skill of each participant in the competition for young readers (jury presentation),

— Guys, the first spring month is March and I suggest you look at the calendar!

(on the screen there is a screen saver - a calendar sheet with the month - “March”).

Spring is coming, make way for spring! And we begin our competition with poems about spring.

I invite Natasha Romanova, who will read G. Sapgir’s “Hush

everyone” (nomination: individual reading).

(Speech by each participant

competition is accompanied by slides in accordance with the text of the poem).

“So quietly and imperceptibly spring has come to us, everyone is happy about it.” Don't believe me? Then listen to the poem performed by Efrem Akimov and Lisa Kolgina “Spring is coming through the city” by Yu. Moritz, dialogue.

— Spring has come to our city, and nature comes to life, and our souls become warm and joyful. About this is the poem “In the Rays of Spring”, which will be read by Olga Chepurnaya from the group “Pochemuchki”, melodic recitation.

- Well done guys, thank you! Let's look further at our calendar. What happened on March 4? March 4 marks the 112th anniversary of the birth of the illustrator Konstantin Pavlovich Rotov. What did he illustrate? Many books: “Uncle Styopa”, “Puss in Boots”, “Old Man Hottabych”, “The Three Little Pigs”... His illustrations are bright and colorful.

(On the screen there is a splash screen: March 4 - 110 years since the birth of the illustrator K. P. Rotov; then there are illustrations with a small commentary from the presenter: the name of the works that K. Rotov illustrated.)

— And here is another significant date: March 6 - 195 years since the birth of Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov. Admire the illustrations of his famous “Konka-Gor Bunka” (on the screen, by analogy, illustrations are shown with a commentary by the presenter).

— Let’s turn over the calendar — and, of course, the most important and brightest spring holiday — International Women’s Day! Many poems are dedicated to this holiday, and you will see this now!

— I invite Timofey Metalnikov with the poem “March 8 Day” from the “Thumbelina” group, individual reading.

— March 8 is the holiday of our beloved mothers. Melanya Elistratova will read a poem about her mother, “Mom is a Faithful Friend,” and she will introduce us to the author of this poem. (melody recitation).

- Guys, you all love your mothers very much and, I think, are always ready to help her in everything. And Dasha Ivanova and Nikita Revunov will help us make sure of this with the dialogue “What a helper” N. Bobkov.

— and we’ll also listen to a melodic recitation performed by Nastya Koltsova “Mom is a true friend” by M. Sadovsky from the group “Luchiki”.

Time for business and time for fun, I suggest you guys relax and play a game. Now listen to the song performed by the guys from the secondary group “Yagodka” “What does our world consist of?”

- Guys, I think that you and your mothers are very friendly, but without your mother you are bored. And it’s even worse when my mother and I quarrel. Listen to Lenya Kochetkov, who will read the poem “Today I am in a quarrel with my mother” by M. Sadovsky.

— Guys, on March 8 we congratulate not only mothers, but also our caring grandmothers. A poem about her grandmother will be read by Sofia Sokolova from the Kalinka group.

- Well done boys! You made us very happy with your poems. You, I see, are real experts and lovers of poetry. There is another date in March - World Poetry Day, celebrated on March 21st.

(slides with portraits of poets).

- Guys, mom has the kindest hands in the world, and mom also has a very kind heart! Katya Suslina and Maxim Belov will talk about this in M. Sadovsky’s dialogue “Kind Heart”.

— I invite Ilya Markov to please us all. He will read M. Sadovsky’s poem “From whom we learn kindness.”

— Masha Shashkova and Misha Kosimov want to show their skills in reading M. Sadovsky’s poem “Kind Heart.”

- Thank you guys, you read poems about the most important quality in a person - kindness.

- And here is the last sheet of our March calendar. March 31 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet and writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. I am sure that you all know his works very well.

— And now comes the most exciting moment of our competition. I present the floor to our respected jury, who assessed your skill.

(words from the jury, presentation of certificates, photo as a souvenir).

Galina Yakupova

About what role acquaintance with children plays in the life of preschoolers children's poets and their works, one can talk endlessly. Memorizing poetry from a very early age has enormous benefits, broadens one’s horizons, develops memory, and enriches one’s vocabulary. This is one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. Therefore in our kindergarten Great attention is paid to familiarizing children with the works of poets.

On the eighth of June at garden was thematic poet's day. The names of such children's poets, like S. Ya. Marshak, K. I. Chukovsky, A. L. Barto, G. Tukay and many others, with familiar to everyone from childhood. In that day in each group, conversations were held with children, corners were created where the children got acquainted with the portraits children's poets, their poems, illustrative material of famous works. In the older groups, game tasks based on famous works were used and quizzes were held. The children listened with great pleasure to the poems performed by the teachers, recited them by heart, and memorized new works.

In the corridor children's an exhibition has been set up in the garden children's drawings for works children's poet S. Y. Marshak, who turns 130 this year.

Teachers children's kindergartens do everything to ensure that our kids love poetry, were brought up on it to love creativity children's poets was passed down from generation to generation.

Publications on the topic:

On March 21, 1999, at a UNESCO conference in Paris, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day. And on this spring day, the guys and I decided.

Our kindergarten took part in the All-Russian "SNOW DAY", taking part in the regional competition. Parents became great helpers.

Program content: Provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills and abilities acquired earlier. Strengthen the physical.

How we celebrate a birthday in kindergarten A baby’s birthday is a happy opportunity for adults to feel the charm of childhood! How.

Warm greetings to you, my friends! Today I read Gulsini Gibadullina’s post and I support her. We are in our kindergarten (at the request of the parents).

“Physical education is what ensures health and brings joy.” Health is a great value for every person. Grow.

Literary lounge “Journey to a country where the sun of poetry shines”, dedicated to Poetry Day“A journey to a country where the sun of poetry shines” Goal: creating a social situation for the development of children through the poetry of children's authors. Objectives:.

Themed day in kindergarten “Snowdrop Day” Presentation of work experience within the framework of the “One Day in Kindergarten” competition on holding a themed day with children of senior preschool age:.

Puchkova Antonina
Entertainment script “Poetry Evening”

Move: children enter the hall to the music, walk around and sit on chairs.


-A wonderful page of poetry

The door opens for us today,

And let any miracle happen!

Most importantly, believe in him with all your heart!

Love and beauty of nature,

The road of fairy tales, any world, -

Everything is subject to control Poetry,- Try!

And open the door to her country!

The rustle of leaves underfoot, a drop of rain,

Rainbow in the sky, nightingale trills, -

Here the frost draws a pattern on the glass.

The world around is beautiful! And everyone in it is an actor.

(E. Nekrasova)


Hello guys! I invite you to our event dedicated to poetry. As you may have already guessed, the hostess of today's holiday will be poetry.

By the way, guys, do you know who writes poetry? It seems to me that these are composers!

Children - no.

Leading:- Well, then - an artist!

Children - no.

Leading:- Well, tell me, what are they called?

Children are Poets.

Leading: - That's right, guys, poets write poetry. And our guest today is the Naryshkin poetess Ponomareva Valentina Anatolyevna. Let's welcome her!

Leading: - Guys, guess the riddle.

Opened her snowy arms,

The trees were all dressed in dresses.

The weather is cold

What time of year is this? (Winter)

Song "Winter"

Leading: - Guys, not only songs, but also poems have been written about winter, I suggest reading them.

Reading a poem "The snowdrifts are growing..."

Reading the poem "Snowflakes are flying, circling..."

Reading the poem "They came down onto my palm..."

Dance "Snowflakes"

Leading: - Children guess the following riddle:

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

Bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In a word it is -. (birds)

(Yu. Svetlova)

Leading:- Today we will listen to interesting poems about birds.

Reading a poem “Frosts and snowstorms again...”

Reading a poem "My Guest"

Poem readings "We built a birdhouse."

Leading:- Guys, now I suggest you play a game "Guess the bird".

If you give the correct answer, it will appear on the screen.

A game "Guess the bird"

1. What kind of bird is called a gossip. (Magpie).

2. This bird doesn’t build its own nest - it lays its own eggs in others’ (Cuckoo).

3. A blizzard is howling in the autumn forest, the trees are cracking from the frost, and this bird is making a nest in the very cold and hatching chicks! And she has an unusual beak -

cross-shaped to get the seeds of the cones. (Crossbill).

4. What is the name of a large bird with long legs and a straight beak,

who hunts in the swamp? (Stork).

Moldavian folk game "Bird Without a Nest"

Leading:- Well done children! Tell me, please, do you like to work? Now I suggest listening to a poem about a good deed.

Reading a poem "Someone made me boots."

Leading:- And now two doctors will come to us, welcome!

Reading a poem "Two Doctors"

Leading:- Guys, who is this riddle about?

A tailor walks through the forest,

A hundred needles behind! (Hedgehog).

Reading a poem “Where are you hurrying, Hedgehog?”

Leading:- Children, I want to introduce you to the author of all the poems,

voiced today. This is Valentina Anatolyevna Ponomareva, let’s greet her!

Word by V. Ponomareva.

Leading:- Our holiday was a great success.

And we think that everyone liked it!

Publications on the topic:

This year we continue to cooperate with the Children's City Library named after. Yu. F. Tretyakova. November 3 was the 128th birthday of the child.

March 21, 2019 is World Poetry Day. The holiday, which was established in 2000 by UNESCO, has become popular in just a few years. We offer a possible option for holding a holiday dedicated to Poetry Day in a kindergarten or elementary school.

Scenario for the holiday World Poetry Day for Children

Presenters start the holiday:

- Dear friends! Today we celebrate Poetry Day. From early childhood we hear poetic speech.

– What is poetry?
She is a combination of magical sounds,
Souls of excited dreams,
The torment of a proud mind.
The verse contains a tune familiar from childhood,
He has been known to all of us for so long.
And the heart, listening to him, trembles,
And the voice trembles again and again.
And the lines flow in succession,
They beckon, they take you away...

Then, following the scenario of the children's holiday dedicated to International Poetry Day, presenters They will talk about Pushkin's poetry.

– We become acquainted with the poems of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in childhood. Everyone finds in his poetry something of their own, close and understandable only to him. Today we will talk about Pushkin's fairy tales.

Children read poetry:

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale...

Meowing is heard behind the door. The Cat appears in the hall.

- Hello my friends!
The scientist cat is me.
I'm friends with poetry
I come to visit the children!

- Welcome!

– Dear guys, I want to invite you to the wonderful world of Pushkin’s fairy tales.
Close our eyes and repeat the spell:
“We know Pushkin’s tales,
We love it and read it very much.
We want to get into a fairy tale.
One, two, three, carabarim!”

“Flight of the Bumblebee” sounds and Mosquito, Fly and Bumblebee fly into the hall and dance to the music.

– What fairy tale are these heroes from?
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Cat takes out an apple, a mirror and turns to the guys:
– My question is very simple: What is the name of that fairy tale?
– The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.

– In my hands is an envelope with illustrations to fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Scenes from which works are depicted here?

The guys give answers by naming works of the poet they know. You can learn several short passages of these works with your children in advance, which they will read aloud.

– Guys, you’re great, you know Pushkin’s fairy tales well, you’ve read a lot of poems by heart. Everyone answered questions well and completed assignments. Thank you!

At the end of the holiday for children dedicated to World Poetry Day presenters addressed to children:

- Dear Guys! Love and take care of our native language, love poetry, speak correctly and beautifully, do not litter your speech with rude and meaningless words.

Our language is beautiful -
Rich and sonorous.
That powerful and passionate
It's gently melodious.
He also has a smile,
Both accuracy and affection.
Written by him
And stories and fairy tales -
Magic pages
Exciting books!
Love, keep
Our native language!

Continuing the topic:

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