Where is the water heater. Which water heater is better to buy in a private house. Technical characteristics of water heaters

At the present time, autonomous hot water supply in apartments and private houses is becoming more and more popular. Centralized hot water supply has become expensive and uneconomical, which is why it is gradually becoming a thing of the past. It is being replaced by water heaters of various designs, the most common of which are storage-type devices. In this article, we will just consider the device and principle of operation of a boiler for heating water.

Types of storage water heaters

At the moment, there are several varieties of units for autonomous hot water supply. All of them were created with the same goal, but they achieve it in different ways, that is, using different energy carriers. The homeowner has the opportunity to choose the one that best suits him in all respects.

So, the following types of heating boilers are offered on the modern market:

  • electric storage heaters;
  • indirect heating boilers;
  • gas boilers;
  • flow heaters.

Note. Directly translated from English word"boiler" means "boiler". This means that they include not only storage, but also all kinds of instantaneous water heaters. Not taking them into account will be incorrect in relation to users.

Electric boilers

This is the most common type of hot water heater, most often used in apartments and small private houses. The reason for this popularity is the relatively low cost and ease of installation, which does not require any permits. The devices are quite reliable in operation and meet most of the requirements of users. To understand the principle of operation of a water heater, consider its device, shown in the figure:

The unit is a tank, usually round or oval, enclosed in a layer of heat-insulating material (usually polyurethane foam), covered with a decorative casing. The container itself can be made of the following materials:

  • steel with enamel coating;
  • stainless steel;
  • plastic.

An electric heating element located at the bottom of the tank heats the water to a temperature limited by a thermostat. Its maximum value, adopted in all electric boilers, is 75 ºС. While there is no water intake, the device of the electric boiler provides for maintaining the set temperature in the mode of automatic switching on and off of the heating element. The latter has additional protection against overheating and in an emergency will automatically turn off when the water temperature reaches 85 ºС.

Note. The optimal operating mode for the boiler is heating up to 55 ºС. In this mode, the device provides the required amount of water for domestic hot water and at the same time saves energy. Unfortunately, often the storage water heater operates at maximum power due to the fact that in winter time too cold water comes from the water supply and the heating element does not have time to warm it up in the economy mode.

Water intake occurs through a tube led to the upper zone of the tank, where the water is the hottest. At the same time, cold water supply is provided in the lower part of the boiler, where the heating element is installed. To protect steel tanks from electrochemical corrosion, the water heater device includes a magnesium anode. Over time, it collapses, and therefore requires replacement approximately 1 time in 2-3 years.

Indirect heating boilers

These devices do not produce thermal energy on their own, although some models have a built-in heating element to maintain the water temperature in different situations. In normal mode, the boiler prepares water for hot water supply, heating it with a coil with a coolant flowing through it. The diagram below shows the device of an indirect heating boiler:

A large-capacity insulated tank (sometimes up to 1000 l) has a built-in coil with a coolant supplied to it from the boiler. As in an electric boiler, cold water is supplied to the bottom of the tank, hot water is taken from the top. The unit is able to provide a significant consumption of hot water, and therefore is used in private homes with a large number of consumers.

The usual exchange of heat between media with different temperatures is the principle of operation of an indirect heating boiler. But in order to get water from a tap with a temperature of 55 ºС, the boiler must heat the coolant to at least 80 ºС, this is one of the disadvantages of this water heater. The second drawback is the long loading time of a large-capacity tank, so that in the case of intensive water consumption, people living in the house need to adapt to use the hot water supply according to a certain schedule.

Like electric boilers, indirect water heaters are equipped with a magnesium anode to protect the steel tank from corrosion. More complex and expensive models are equipped with two coils, the coolant from the boiler flows through one, and the second can be connected to an alternative source of thermal energy. They can serve as another boiler or solar collector. To maintain the temperature in different situations, a heating element with a thermostat is built into the upper zone of the tank.

Indirect heating units are produced in wall and floor versions, they can work with any source of thermal energy. Manufacturers of boiler equipment often offer them in conjunction with double-circuit boilers. In this case, the heat generator maintains the heating temperature and loads the boiler, alternately switching between these two systems.

Gas storage water heaters

These devices are structurally and externally reminiscent of electric boilers. All the same tank hung on the wall, covered with a layer of insulation, only a gas burner is installed at the bottom, and at the top there is a chimney pipe. A gas boiler works on the same principle, only a burner that heats a container of water serves as a heat source. The water heater device is shown in the diagram:

As can be seen in the figure, heating is carried out not only from the burner, but also by taking heat from the combustion products. This is achieved by a steel flue with dividers, passing vertically through the tank and exchanging heat with water. The operation of the burner is controlled by an electronic unit, whose task is to extinguish or ignite it when the set temperature is reached or lowered. As usual, the design of the boiler provides for a magnesium anode to protect the body.

This type of water heaters is not very popular due to the difficulties in designing and connecting gas-using installations. In addition, to operate a gas boiler, you will need a full-fledged chimney; it is not always possible or too expensive to fulfill this requirement.

The advantage of storage water heaters is that they can immediately produce a large flow of water for hot water supply, but for a limited period of time. After that, they need a break to prepare the next portion of water.

About instantaneous water heaters

Unlike storage boilers, the principle of operation of an instantaneous water heater is not to preheat, but to quickly heat running water as needed.

The heat sources are the same electric heating elements and gas burners, they only turn on after the hot water tap is opened in the house. These heaters include:

  • geysers;
  • flow heaters.

Note. Sometimes a plate boiler is used to provide hot water to a private house, which is a water-to-water heat exchanger. Like an indirect heating boiler, it transfers the energy of the coolant to water, only it does it in flow mode.

The design of the geyser is quite complex, and therefore deserves a separate topic. An electric water heater is simple: a powerful heating element heats running water in it. Having such an advantage as small size, the device has too high power consumption and therefore its scope is limited. The device of a flowing electric boiler is shown in the figure:

The advantage of flow-through water heaters is that they can supply heated water without preparation and for an unlimited time. But its consumption has limits, which is important with a large number of consumers.


If we distribute all the listed devices by popularity, then electric boilers will confidently take the first place, the reasons for this are understandable. In second place are geysers, the third is for indirect heating boilers.

According to the method of placement, water heaters can be floor or wall-mounted (horizontal or vertical arrangement and universal). Floor heaters are optimal for heating water in large volumes (from 200 to 1000 liters or more). In their manufacture, reliable materials are used: the tank is made of 4 mm steel and covered with a layer of enamel from the inside, and the heating element is made of copper, which is not afraid of a long stay in water. But wall-mounted water heaters with a capacity of 80-150 liters, designed for a family of up to 4 people, are more in demand. They can be round or flat in shape.

Which wall-mounted water heater is better to choose: vertical or horizontal?

In a horizontal water heater, cold water is mixed with the heated water in it. This leads to discomfort when parsing water. Most storage water heaters are equipped with protection against such drops, and you should ask about its availability before buying. It is believed that at vertical position water heater mixing of cold and heated water occurs to a lesser extent. But most often they choose the appropriate option based on the convenience of the location.

With a small bathroom (4-6 m²), when the required free space may be under the ceiling, the only option is to place the heater horizontally in the upper part of the room. Given the multifactorial nature of the choice of position of the device, more and more manufacturers provide universal models that allow both horizontal and vertical installation.

How convenient is a flat wall mounted water heater?

It is always easier to find a place for such a device, and it looks good in the interior. But with insufficient thermal insulation, its energy efficiency decreases. It is quite easy to verify this by putting your hand to the case: if it is warm, then part of the heat spent on heating water is dissipated into the surrounding air, if it is cold, then consumer properties are not brought in favor of an attractive design. The thickness of the insulation layer between the tank and the body must be at least 40 mm. Their capacity is usually from 30 to 80 liters, while the depth of the case is only from 235 to 360 mm, respectively.

A small flat wall-mounted water heater can even be placed under the sink

What is the design of the water heater tank?

The tank can be welded from steel sheet, copper or cast plastic. The pressure in it can reach 6 atm. A plastic tank is placed in non-pressure storage and non-pressure instantaneous water heaters with a capacity of not more than 30 liters. Copper tank has high corrosion resistance. A water heater with such a tank does not need to change the anode, it can be repaired, but it is very expensive. Therefore, steel products are most widely used.

In order for the storage water heater to function for at least 5-7 years, carbon steel with a thickness of 2 mm or more is used (from the inside, a coating is applied to the walls of the tank to protect against corrosion) or expensive stainless steel, of course, without a coating. To date, the following types of coatings are used: enamel, titanium enamel, glass ceramics, and the technologies for their application are somewhat different. But in any case, to create a reliable protective layer, a high-quality steel surface of the tank and a uniform enamel structure are important. If a crack forms in the enamel, then such a tank cannot be repaired.

As for stainless steel, the main requirement is the quality of the weld, which largely determines the life of the water heater.

1. Enamelled tank 2. Thermal insulation 3. Water intake 4. Magnesium anode 5. Heating element 6. Water supply

Which steel water heater tank is more reliable - stainless steel or enamelled?

During the operation of the water heater, the walls of the steel tank, and accordingly, the enamel applied to them, experience constant tensile / compressive deformations. Therefore, all the efforts of the developers are aimed at bringing the elasticity of the coating closer to the properties of the metal and ensuring reliable adhesion of the enamel to the steel surface. Typically, an enamelled tank lasts at least 8-10 years. Dangerous areas of the stainless steel tank - zones of welds and top part tank where the temperature is highest. If the quality of steel and welds corresponds to those declared by the manufacturer, then such a tank will last more than 5-7 years.

Statistical data can be added to the answer recent years. In Europe, water heaters with enameled tanks sell better, and no one complains about their service life. There, stainless steel models are much more expensive than enameled ones. In our country, the number of sales of heaters with stainless steel tanks is just growing.

Here we can add two more facts. First: stainless steel is different from stainless steel - both in price and quality. So, tanks made in Asia and the Middle East are about $200 cheaper than Swedish or Norwegian ones. And they also fail faster, although theoretically they can be repaired. The second is that, in addition to the enamel coating, the corrosion rate is reduced by the magnesium anode, which is a passive method of protection. But it needs to be changed in time.

Which water heater heater is more efficient, copper or steel?

Both are reliable, the heating temperature of both is the same - 350-400 ° C. Each of them is mounted on the same flange together with thermostat sleeves and temperature limiters, with a magnesium or titanium anode and can be connected to a single or three-phase supply voltage. The only thing that distinguishes them is the different thermal conductivity, and since the thermal conductivity of copper is higher, its heating rate will also be higher.

What are the options for connecting the water heater and the device of the entire water intake circuit?

According to the organization, the water heating circuit can be non-pressure (open) and pressure (closed), and both can be with both storage and instantaneous water heaters. The second is different in that cold water enters it under pressure from a pipeline or from a pumping station.

The most common are household pressure water heaters with a working pressure of up to 6 atm (0.6 MPa), which are used to heat water in houses equipped with cold water supply systems. Such a device can block the water outlet and therefore it is placed in an apartment, in a country house and in a cottage anywhere in the water supply system, while hot water under pressure will be supplied to all points of water intake. When operating a non-pressure water heater, it is forbidden to block the hot water outlet, therefore it is used only for one draw-off point and is installed directly in this place.

Also, if there is no running water in the house, a non-pressure water heater can be filled with cold water from a container located above it. Structurally, the tank is more complicated for a pressure device, since it must withstand a pressure of several atmospheres.

Connection diagrams for water heaters: a) non-pressure flow, b) pressure flow, c) pressure storage:

1. Cable (section not less than 0.7 mm²/kW). 2. Automatic protection. 3. Electrical panel. 4. RCD for 30 mA. 5. Cold water riser 6. Non-conductive pipe. 7. Security group. 8. Drain into the sewer. 9. Hot water riser. 10. Draw-off points

What control functions in the water heater are necessary, and which ones can be dispensed with?

Automation should provide, first of all, protection against boiling water, from turning on without water and maintain the temperature of the water in the tank equal to the set one. In addition, each water heater must be equipped with its own for 25-30 ms, which would eliminate the danger to human health in case of contact with bare live parts, and also protect against leakage current that can lead to a fire.

Of course, the most important modes and functions of the device are those that are responsible for the safety of the user. But in modern devices there are others, for example, the restart function will automatically turn on the water heater when the power supply is restored after a power outage, and the daily programmer ensures the operation of the water heater in the time period necessary for the consumer. Quite convenient and the indicator of the remaining amount of water in the tank.

Recently, microprocessor control has made it possible to create quite useful modes and functions. So, the fast heating mode will reduce the time of initial heating of water by 40-60%, after which it will restore the standard mode of operation. A sensor can also be installed that reflects the state of the magnesium anode and frees the user from periodic checks of the latter's performance. Well, of course, modern models of water heaters have an IR remote control, without which no household appliance can be controlled.

What's new in water heater designs?

First of all, the design is improving, for example, engineering solutions for flat-shaped devices are being improved. Also, the energy efficiency of heating elements is increased and new materials for the anode are being tested. And finally, the operation of the water heater becomes more visible, since almost all information about its operation is now reflected on the LCD display, which is getting larger. There are additional functions for electronic control units.

In the old days, people did not even know what hot water was. They took procedures in cold water, without thinking that something could be better. Today, in the absence of hot water at home or in the country, we will not even think about these necessary procedures. A comfortable home is considered when it has gas, electricity and warm and hot water. It often happens that the central water supply fails at the most inopportune moment. Or you bought a house in which there is no way to connect to a common pipe with water. How to be in such a case? Constantly heat water on gas? There is a solution - buy a water heater.

Water heaters for summer cottages are especially popular, since there is simply no other alternative. Thanks to this boiler, you can solve the problem of hot water. But a logical question arises - a water heater, how to choose it. In this article, we will look at the types of water heaters and some models.

Features and types of water heaters

The essence of the operation of the water heater is simple - by means of special elements, it heats the water, transferring it through the pipe system to the right places. They are portable and you can install the units anywhere. The equipment is powered by electricity. Depending on their design and features, all water heaters for the home can be divided into the following groups:

  1. flow type.
  2. Cumulative.
  3. Flow-accumulative.

It is noteworthy that outwardly it will be difficult for you to distinguish one species from another. Here, for example, is the Timberk WHE 3.5 XTR H1 storage water heater model.

And this is "Timberk SWH FSL1 80 VE" storage type.

As you can see, they do not have a strong difference. However, their device is completely different. All water heaters can be rectangular or cylindrical. On the front side, the boilers have a control panel, on the bottom - branch pipes for connecting water. What is the difference between different types of water heaters? Which is better? Let's find out.

Flow type water heaters

The name itself tells us that water constantly passes through this unit. A feature of this type is the small size and the absence of a storage tank. The amount of water that can be heated is unlimited. This compact device works according to this principle: cold water enters the boiler, then, passing through the heating element and the flask, the water instantly heats up to a temperature of 45 to 60 ° C and is delivered to the right place through the outlet through the pipe and pipe system. The devices have high performance, and fast heating occurs due to the high power of the heating element made of copper (heater), which is located in the housing.

Note! Despite the quick and easy production of hot water, instantaneous water heaters are suitable for providing only one point of hot water intake. If you turn on the hot water in the bathroom and kitchen, the water passing through the boiler will not warm up enough.

One of the main advantages of the equipment is that it does not need to be taken apart and cleaned as often. Care is quite simple, and the service life is many years. However, you are not limited by the amount of hot water. Due to the flow system, you will not worry that there will be no water left on you in the shower. Many people prefer the Ukrainian water heater "Titan", which has proven itself well in the market. Others stop at the time-tested "Termex", "Bosh" or "Ariston". But what you need to know when choosing this type of water heater?

  1. The basis of each device is its power. The higher it is, the better. If we talk about instantaneous water heaters, then the power, depending on the model, is in the range of 3-27 kW.

    Note! Not every wiring in the house is able to withstand such voltage. Devices with a power of 3-8 kW can be connected to a 220 V network. But more powerful models need to be powered by a three-phase 380 V socket.

  2. An important factor is the volume of hot water that can be obtained at the outlet in 1 minute. Units with a power of 3-8 kW are capable of producing from 2 to 6 liters of water per minute. Already 20 seconds after switching on, you have hot water. For domestic needs, this is more than enough.

Accumulative type of water heaters

This is a completely opposite design. In some moments it is better, in others it is inferior to its brother. The name itself suggests that the water heater accumulates hot water inside itself. The design of the storage device is simple:

  • large water tank;
  • a heating element;
  • thermostat;
  • magnesium anode;
  • protective tube.

How does the equipment work? In fact, it is a large kettle that is filled to the top with water. When turned on, this water is heated to the set temperature. At the same time, you can set the desired temperature, which will be automatically maintained throughout the entire time. The heating element inside heats the water in the tank, and it enters one place or another through pipes. Heating takes place within a few hours.

Unlike a flow heater, this option is slightly inferior, as it is limited by the amount of water in the tank. For example, if you have a large family and everyone takes turns taking a shower, then the last one may not get heated water. These tanks can be 50, 80, 100 or even 500 liters. The more water, the larger the size of the heater. For living quarters, from 50 to 120 liters is enough. The products are a little bulky, but by installing them in the bathroom, you will not take up valuable space.

Since there is always water in the tank, the heater has to be descaled frequently. This also applies to the device itself. Despite the magnesium anode, scale is collected on the heating element. Here's what you can see when you open the device for the first time in a year.

Now they have come up with water heaters with a dry heating element. They are much better and don't need to be cleaned as often. The thing is that the heating element is not placed in water, but in a certain tube, hermetically sealed. Water does not penetrate to the heating element, and it will not become mired in scale. The advantage is there. However, these models are slightly more expensive. Here is the Swedish model "Timberk SWH RED9 100 V", which is equipped with such a heating element. The price of "Timberk" is about 10 thousand rubles.

If we talk about the advantages of this type of heaters, then we note its relative efficiency. In addition, you can turn on hot water in both the bathroom and the kitchen. It will be available for several outlets.

Note! In order to save money, solar water heaters were created, which work on free solar energy. The equipment is very expensive, but over the years of use it fully pays off.

Characteristics of the storage water heater

Thanks to the thermostat, the water temperature is kept within a predetermined range, from 35 to 85 C o. You only need to turn on the device in the network and set your own temperature. The water heater for the house will do the rest of the work for you. In addition, manufacturers supplement their models with a number of other features:

  • the property of accelerated heating of water;
  • antibacterial tank;
  • dry heater;
  • automated or manual control system.

All storage devices will be able to operate from a conventional 220 V outlet. The thing is that their power is small, only 2-3 kW. This can be compared with the operation of an electric kettle. Nevertheless, despite the low power, the priors are quite productive.

A popular model of storage water heaters is "Timberk SWH FEL1 80 V", "Thermex Flat Plus IF 50V" or "Ariston ABS VLS PW 80V", which are in the same price category.

Feature of flow-accumulative models

If you cannot decide which water heater you need for your home or summer cottage, you can choose something in between. This is exactly what a flow-accumulative unit is. This is a universal device for heating water, which combines all the positive aspects of storage and flow equipment.

The main feature and advantage is that the units can operate in two modes as needed. Here are some more properties of water heaters:

  1. Compact and mobile.
  2. They have a small weight (no more than 6 kg).
  3. They are easy to install and use.

Their tank is small, 10-30 liters. Since the system is flow-through, this is enough for a summer house or a house. You will not feel the lack of hot water.

Popular models of water heaters

"Electrolux EWH 80 Centurio Digital" is one of the most popular models of the Swedish company. It not only has a beautiful design, but also impresses with its assembly and technical characteristics. 80 l tank, high heating rate, smooth temperature control. Due to the fact that the water cools for a long time, energy costs are minimal.

"Thermex ID 50 V" compact and convenient water heater is almost flat. The manufacturer provides a 7-year warranty for the product. Installation is simple, heating rate is high. The tank has a digital display. The unit won the hearts of many people.


From the whole variety of water heaters for your home or garden, you can choose the one that suits you. Estimate your budget, decide on the type of heater, brand and model, and make this useful purchase.

All owners of country houses and cottages are puzzled by the purchase of a device that provides them with hot water. It is easier for residents of private houses to equip an autonomous type of water supply than for owners of apartments in typical multi-storey buildings. Now there are many models of boilers, it remains only to understand which water heater to choose for your home.

Boilers differ in the type of installation:

  • can be mounted on the wall;
  • can be installed on the floor.

According to the main features of the work, water heaters are divided into:

  • flow system;
  • storage system.

According to the type of combustible substance used to generate heat:

  • the operation of the device can be carried out using gas;
  • the system can be powered by electricity;
  • thanks to solid fuel materials;
  • thanks to the combined materials;
  • through indirect heating.

Which water heater is better to buy in a country house? How to choose a water heater for a private house according to the pros and cons of different models?

Important: the installation of gas and electric water heaters is supposed to be in one of the rooms in the house. The remaining types of water heaters are located in rooms not intended for habitation.

If it is possible to install such a device, it is most reasonable to buy a model that will provide not only hot water, but also heat rooms.

Wall or floor

Wall models of water heaters are small in size and low cost. However, there are a number of strict requirements for their installation. For example, if the owner of a country house wants to install a bulk boiler on the wall, it is important to consider that mounting a large tank is possible only on a solid vertical part of the building, the surface of which should not be combustible.

When installing wall heaters, it must be remembered that the distance between the building surface and the device must comply with the specified requirements.

In turn, floor water heaters are the safest and most reliable regarding this issue. You do not have to worry about the fact that the boiler can break and fall, since they are supported by horizontal carriers.

If a large family has a shower, it is best to look at storage water heaters, they have large tanks and are installed on the floor. All floor water heaters are partially fixed to the wall.

Flow or storage

Flowing water heaters are usually attached to the wall. They are not large, so you need to find a place for it that meets safety conditions. Flow type heaters are characterized by low cost, convenience and efficiency. But there is one significant disadvantage: the lack of the ability to produce a large flow of hot water. If large volumes are required, this type of boiler is not suitable for a private house.

With a large consumption of hot water per day, the most the best choice there will be devices with storage tanks that provide a good pressure of hot water. But the price of such a water heating system is quite high.

Boilers are subject to the destruction of parts inside the structure. Tanks at the same time are steel and cast iron.

Gas or electric boilers

Gas home water heating systems can only be installed if there is access to gas. Unlike electric models, they are much more economical and comfortable to use. True, before installing such a water heater, you will have to create a project and coordinate the installation of the device with the controlling service. Installation can only be carried out by specialists who are allowed to work with gas equipment.

The electric water heater is safe and has no harmful effects on nature. The design of water heaters is strict and not overloaded with details. Their convenience lies in the fact that they contain an automatic device. To carry out the installation of such equipment, you do not have to apply to various kinds of services for permission. The disadvantages of an electric water heater include the high cost of both the device itself and the fuel. In addition, the stability of its operation directly depends on the level of current supply.

Complex arrangement of a country house with hot water or heating

If a country residence is most often used for relaxing on weekends, you can limit yourself to a small water heater. In the case of a permanent stay in the house, you need to seriously approach the integrated provision of it with water and heat. The boiler room, equipped in a separate annex, is best suited for this.

For such a house, a heater operating using a diesel, solid fuel or combined mechanism and connected in a two-circuit scheme is suitable. This option is the most profitable and convenient. It involves the installation of an indirect heating storage tank. Having installed such a system, it will only be necessary to monitor its operation and maintain it in time.

Wood water heaters

It is also possible to install a wood-burning water heater for a private house, which will be located in one of the rooms. The main advantage of this system is efficiency at low cost, as well as the admissibility of using other solid combustible materials (coal, coal briquettes). Having the opportunity to buy coal or firewood at a low price, installing such a water heater will be the best solution.

A modern manufacturer of solid fuel boilers has made sure that you do not have to clean out soot and constantly fill the furnace. Once filling the furnace, the device itself, by means of sensors, will maintain the desired temperature regime, and the fuel will be consumed extremely economically.

Choosing a water heater according to the amount of hot water consumed

Given the water consumption, you can purchase a tank of small, medium and large sizes. Diesel boilers are not yet so popular in our country, however, in Western countries, such a water supply and heating system for country houses is the most common.

Such water heaters are very comfortable in that their workflow does not require the loading of fuels. A plus is also the possibility of switching to gas consumption. Connecting the water heater is easy. But the installation of the system will require a lot of labor and cash injections. Nevertheless, for the already short period of use of the equipment, all the laboriousness of the work pays off.

Naturally heated tanks

During hot periods, an additional water heating system will not be superfluous. These devices are powered by solar energy. The modern market offers options for systems that are located on the roof and use the heat of the sun. The installation of such a system is very simple. A tank is installed on the roof of a building or a shower room (located separately). Of course, such water heating systems are effective only in good and warm weather. However, one way or another, the water in the tank will be warmer than from the flowing water supply.

When choosing a storage boiler of any kind, it is advisable to lean towards a water heater with a high efficiency. Whatever the type of combustible, a high-tech device will in practice be a more economical option. Although the price of the unit itself is high.

The most economical to use in our country are water heaters that use gas as a combustible substance. natural origin. The most expensive continue to be water heating devices powered by electrical energy. Diesel and solid fuel are located somewhere in the middle in the price range. When it is necessary to comprehensively cover the house with heat and hot water supply, it is advisable to install a gas water heater. If there is no access to gas, it is more rational and safer to use diesel fuel.

It is also necessary to understand that in horizontal boilers, cold water is mixed with already heated water in a rather tangible way. But in modern models of water heaters there is a protection that prevents such drops. Before buying, you need to find out if it is on a particular device. In vertical boilers, water is mixed in more comfortable conditions, which does not lead to sharp drops.

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